Saturday, May 19, 2007

Illegal Immigration Compromise

Good evening friends, and welcome back. One of the most pressing issues in politics today is the issue of illegal immigration, and it has been brought to the forefront again by the latest deal that has been brokered in the Senate. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that a deal is being pushed through-- the President, the Democrats, and at least several of the liberal Republicans want it to happen-- but the shear folly of their plan is astounding. I can't imagine what possesses these people to believe that the illegal aliens will, of their own motivation, identify themselves, come forward and pay a hefty ($5000) fine and then go back to their home countries and wait in line to enter the country legally. What!?! They are already here illegally and nothing is being done about it! In fact, there are a lot of people who are bending over backward to aid and abet the illegals' crimes. What would motivate an illegal to come forward? They already enjoy free health care, tax- and fee-free living, the benefits of our many welfare programs, and the "benefit" of being able to break the law with near complete impunity. Why give it all up in order to have the privilege of paying all the taxes and obeying all the laws that the rest of us do? I don't think that it's because their crime of illegal entry is weighing on their consciences! I am sick and tired of hearing feel-good sob stories about "poor, hardworking guest workers" and how we need to help them. The people sneaking over our southern border are criminals, plain and simple, and there is one solution to this crime-- ARREST and DEPORT. Like a vast majority of Americans, I welcome all people who wish to come to this country legally and become integrated parts of American society, and I am proud of my of my own immigrant ancestry and the role that millions of legal immigrants have played in our history. However, to those who are not willing to abide by our country's laws from the moment they set foot on our soil, I have but two words-- "KEEP OUT!"

I hope to do more research on this bill, and I will update you when I find out more. Meanwhile, all that I have heard tells me that this is a very bad deal for America, and I urge all of you to contact the President and your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that you oppose this legislation and any other methods that are not enforcement-first-- REAL enforcement-first!

More later, adios!

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