Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Illegal Immigration Compromise II

Good evening everyone. The more I hear of the Senate-White House immigration deal, the more I am appalled by its lack of respect for America and American law and sovereignty. Rush Limbaugh was right when he said yesterday that "this is an attempt [by liberals] to remake America socially and culturally," and although the bill has begun to run into political opposition and will not receive a final vote until later than originally thought, it will take a concerted effort on the part of voters like you voicing your opinions to your representatives to stop it completely. As a slight side note, any conservative should be very suspicious of a bill that is a brokered deal with Senate Democrats. I, at least, smell a rat ANYTIME that Ted Kennedy is one of the chief architects of and spokesmen for a piece of legislation. Also, here is a great quote from Margaret Thatcher about the kind of "leadership" that the Senate (and House) have been offering lately on this and other issues: "Consensus is the absence of leadership." How true! (Thanks to Rush for reading this on his show)

Now, I know that Rush's quote may seem a little strong to some of you, so let me explain (in my words and opinion). First of all, the social question. This bill, if passed as-is, is basically a massive amnesty that will vastly increase the size and cost of America's social welfare programs (not to mention increasing the immigration bureaucracy. There are already hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of illegal aliens who leech off of these programs without paying one red cent into them. This bill will not only legalize many of these criminals, it will also make millions more legitimately eligible to receive benefits. The majority of these new dependents will (if they work at all) be minimum wage earners who contribute far less to these programs than they take out. This is a liberal/socialist's dream for two reasons. 1) It creates a vast new class of dependents who will vote for whomever will promise to continue and enlarge these programs (i.e. Democrats). 2) It provides a new field for furthering governmental power and the Marxist ideal of the redistribution of income (from the rich to the "poor"). Believe me, the legitimate American citizen-taxpayer is the one who will foot the bill for this so-called immigration reform, and the more you make, the greater the percentage of the bill you will foot. The bill will change America culturally by legalizing and greatly increasing a population of essentially foreign persons who will NOT be required to learn English, who will NOT be required to become culturally and historically oriented Americans, and who WILL be allowed to remain an internal foreign element whose only interest in our country will be the "good life" that it provides.

While we maintain a vigorous opposition to this bill, true conservatives must also be able to offer a sensible solution to the problem of criminal immigration. First of all, our approach must be enforcement-first. The first step is to secure our borders. I know that this is a tired statement, but it is nevertheless a true one. I believe that our southern border must be fortified with a fence and/or wall that makes physical entry far more difficult than it is currently. The security of both the northern and the southern borders must also be addressed by a massive Border Patrol power increase-- in manpower, in technology, and in the authority to use force to stop illegal entrants. There should also be legislation that frees Border Patrol agents from the fear of prosecution for doing their jobs. Second, the Dept. of Homeland Security and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, in cooperation with local law enforcement and the National Guard if necessary, should begin a massive crackdown on the illegal aliens who are already in America. These criminals must arrested and deported to the countries from which they came, and as much of their assets as are necessary should be seized to pay any criminal fines and the expenses of deporting them. And by the way-- the previous actions must be taken regardless of what the illegals' nations of origin (including Mexico), the U.N., and the "world community" say in protest-- let them whine. Many of the illegals' home countries actually encourage and aid their citizens in breaking our country's laws, and yet apply an atrocious double-standard to their own borders. We must maintain our national sovereignty-- even if it means militarizing our southern border. AFTER these enforcement and security actions, we need to reform our immigration and naturalization procedures so that first of all, acquiring American citizenship means that immigrants become American patriots who respects our laws, our history, and our government; and who acclimate themselves to our culture and national values. And secondly, we need to remove the massive amounts of red tape and ridiculous delays that characterize our current system. The process for legitimate entry should contain adequate security measures and yet be a clear and efficient set of procedures.

The solution to the immigration fiasco that our government has let our country fall into will not be easy, but a just and effective solution must be found and implemented. The current Senate bill will not solve our problem, and will, in fact, greatly worsen it. It is up to the true citizens of this country to protest this outrage of a bill into oblivion and to move our government toward a real solution. As a final bit of motivation to those of you who agree with this post, here is a quote from Senator John Kyle (a supporter of the current bill) about HIS view of the issue: "I don't think that any reasonable person has suggested that we could...deport [the illegal aliens already here]." Another example of elected arrogance-- too many elected officials don't really care what their constituents think, and even if they listen, they write it off as "unreasonableness" if they don't agree with it. It is up to us to let Sen. Kyle and others like him know that there are a lot of people who DO NOT hold with their so-called "reasonable" views. Take action for America!

Thanks for reading.

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