Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Congratulation To Fred Thompson

Congratulations to Fred Thompson and all his campaign staff for a great showing in this week's Rasmussen poll! The poll shows Fred in a first-place tie with Rudy Giuliani at 24%, and indicates that he is viewed favorably by 59% of likely Republican primary voters. Fred has gained six points on Rudy since last week. Showings like this, before he has even officially announced, should dispel the doubts of any uncertain Republicans about whether or not Thompson is a "winnable" candidate. Even if all Senator Thompson does is maintain his current momentum until he announces, his official announcement in early July will certainly push him over the top. If this latest Rasmussen poll is any indication, however, I think we may see him at number one even before then. If you haven't yet, please go to Fred's official website to sign up as a Friend of Fred, and please consider donating to his campaign-- fundraising will be a big part of maintaining this momentum. Those of us who want a true conservative and a real leader in the White House must not let fundraising become Senator Thompson's Achilles' heel.

Also, my sincere thanks to the editor of Maine for Fred Thompson for posting some of my commentary on Fred Thompson on his site. The cooperation and hard work of a considerable part of the conservative blogosphere has played a big role in promoting Senator Thompson's campaign, and it is an honor and privilege to me to be able to participate.

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