Friday, June 15, 2007

The Media Fear of Fred Thompson

This is a good article by Melanie Morgan on WorldNetDaily about some of the reasons for Fred Thompson's continuing success.

"Can you see it? Can you feel it? The excitement over Fred Thompson's potential candidacy for president is capturing the imagination of conservatives across the nation. The "Run Fred Run" phenomenon is important to talk about not because of Thompson himself, but more because of what it says concerning the mood of this nation and the public's frustration with a lack of leadership in both the conservative movement and the Republican Party. The allure of a Thompson for President campaign is even evident among some Reagan Democrats who are weighing in on the blogs – and feeling the heat from their liberal colleagues for even considering the notion of crossing party lines. Unlike the current crop of declared Republican and Democrat candidates, who have spent years plotting and scheming about how they could win their way to the White House, Fred Thompson is truly being drafted to run by people who are sick of abandoned principles and lack of a moral center. When moments like this occur, occupants of the political and media establishment seem to shudder with convulsions. It ain't pretty, but it isn't surprising."

The rest of this article can be read here.

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