Monday, July 16, 2007

More weakness from the US Senate

Hello again everyone. My sincere apologies for the LONG delay between posts--- other priorities have kept me from writing. It's great to be back at the keyboard again.

Once again, debate has erupted in the U.S. Senate over a proposal to force the President to begin the withdrawal of troops from Iraq by the end of this year. What this really means is that so-called "moderates" and liberals in the Senate continue to advocate surrendering Iraq to al-Qaida and Iran, to returning the Iraqi people to a reign of terror and oppression, to portraying America to the world as a gutless nation that can't stomach war or keep its promises, and to rendering the sacrifices in "blood, sweat, and tears" of the American military effectively useless. A lot of liberals accuse President Bush of playing politics with the global war on terror, of lying about intelligence, and of trading "blood for oil." It is liberal anti-war politicians, however, who are really playing politics with this war, with our national security, and even worse, with the lives of our men and women in uniform. The majority of these politicians have never had a principled position on this war, as is evidenced by the fact that many originally voted for the war, and then changed their positions as it became politically expedient.

I guess what really angered me today was a statement from Senator Dick Durbin where he asked rhetorically, "How many sleepless nights have our soldiers and their families had? [wondering whether they would make it home alive]", and then had the cheek to suggest that U.S. Senators could spend at least one similar sleepless night considering the latest withdrawal resolution. What an insult to the American soldier! First of all, I do not deny that American soldiers and their families have spent sleepless nights in connection with this war. I have nothing but respect for these heroes and I honor their sacrifices. For a U.S. Senator, however, to suggest that our armed forces are a lot of poor soldiers quaking in their foxholes, waiting hopefully for the end of the war, is disgraceful. I know I shouldn't be surprised---after all, our troops have been referred to as Nazis, have been labeled as the losers in this war (Sen. Harry Reid), and have been falsely accused of terrorizing and abusing innocent civilians (in the dead of night, no less!) on a regular basis (Sen. John Kerry). Second of all, it is pure ignorance to even compare an all-nighter in the posh confines of the Senate to a sleepless night in a war zone. The Senator's self-proclaimed sacrifice is nothing compared to what our soldiers go through.

Many politicians refer to our troops as heroes because of the dangers and hardships that they are "forced" to face by an incompetent administration. I and the majority of Americans salute the members of America's armed forces as heroes because they volunteer to face these dangers, because they volunteer to defend their country no matter the cost, and because the majority of them are fighting hard and fighting to win because they want victory! The American military does not want to retreat in defeat, and they will win this war if they are not hamstrung by weak-kneed, weak-stomached politicians back home.

Support our military---Support the War on Terror!

Over and out for now.

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