Friday, December 7, 2007

A Pearl Harbor Day Follow-Up

I wanted to post this story, from, as a reminder on Pearl Harbor Day that the fight against the enemies of America and freedom continues today, and that there are still hundreds of thousands of heroes, such as Lt. Col. Gadson, who continue in the courageous tradition of valor for which we honor the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who were attacked in Hawaii 66 years ago.

Dec 05, 2007

(From left) Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. George Casey Jr., Superintendent of West Point Lt. Gen. Buster Hagenbeck, Lt. Col. Greg Gadson and Secretary of the Army Pete Geren leave the playing field after the coin toss at the 108th Army-Navy football game in Baltimore Dec 1. Lt. Col. Gadson is a former West Point football player who lost both legs to a roadside bomb in Baghdad. Photo by U.S. Military Academy

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Dec. 5, 2007) - A former West Point football player who was wounded in action joined the Army's top brass for the coin toss at Saturday's Army-Navy Game in Baltimore.Still learning to walk after an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad claimed both of his legs in May, Lt. Col. Greg Gadson marched onto the playing field, and he said it reminded him of the three times Army beat Navy when he was a player."You could feel the specialness of the game, you could feel the energy in the crowd. It did bring back memories of being a player," he said. "I think especially for a senior, who knows this is his last game, and you're part of a tradition and it's pretty awesome."I really was honored to go out there with some of the senior leaders in the Army and accompany them. It was an honor and a privilege that they afforded me and I was so appreciative. At the end of the day, it's a game, but those guys who are out there are going to be leaders in the Army and the Navy and the Marines in a short year and there's going to be a different set of stakes that they're playing for," he added.A field artillery officer, Lt. Col. Gadson attended West Point so he could play football, but fell in love with the Army, so much so that he decided to remain a Soldier in spite of his injuries."I believe I still have something to offer the Soldiers. That's as simple as I can say it. I love being a Soldier and right now I think I still have something to offer. As long as that's the case, I'm up for still being a Soldier," he said.Deployed with the 2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery, Lt. Col. Gadson remembers the blast and thinking he didn't have his rifle. He remembers his first sergeant resuscitating him as he almost bled to death - he needed 70 pints of blood that first night alone - and he remembers hearing the helicopter coming to evacuate him, but little else until weeks later in Walter Reed Army Medical Center.Doctors had to amputate his left leg after infection caused his arteries to collapse. They were able to save his right leg, but Lt. Col. Gadson and his wife decided his quality of life would be better without it. He said his healing sped up very quickly after it was gone and he was finally able to leave intensive care. His right arm was also badly damaged and he needs at least two more surgeries in the next year. He still goes to Walter Reed for therapy every day.Although his injuries and recovery have, of course, been tough on his family, Lt. Col. Gadson said that they have ultimately brought his family closer together. "It's changed their life," he said. "But I think it's also brought us together. In tough times, there's really two ways to go, you can come together or you can go apart and I think it's been something that has brought us together. I am so proud of my kids because they have really embraced what has happened to our family."Learning to walk without knees or ankles has been challenging, but Lt. Col. Gadson credits prosthetics and the excellent therapists at Walter Reed, and looks at it like training for anything else."It's tough, but so is basic training, so is going through West Point, so is war. If you understand that what you're going through is going to be tough, then you prepare yourself for it and you go through it. There's no shortcuts," he said.Committing to walk on the field at the Army-Navy Game was also a good goal for Lt. Col. Gadson to work towards. "Once I committed to it I said, 'Well, I have to make sure I can walk,'" he said.He pushes himself, but he warns wounded Soldiers against pushing themselves too hard and trying to do anything before their bodies are ready."Just be patient and realize that you have had a significant event that's happened to you and take your time," he said. "I've found that that's really one of the most challenging things, to really be patient, kind of listen to my body. I'm not the same guy I was and if I push too hard I can do something to hurt myself and that's what I mean about being patient."Lt. Col. Gadson also wants Soldiers to know that the Army will take care of them."One thing I'm really proud of is how the Army has responded to me," he said. "As a commander, you put so much into trying to take care of Soldiers. And I found myself on the other end of being taken care of and it's been absolutely phenomenal."I just have to say that (Army medical personnel) are performing phenomenally. The tremendous trauma that my body's been through, I have nothing but great things to say. In other wars, I wouldn't have survived. The fact that three to five months after this happened, I'm in prosthetic limbs and I'm starting to learn how to walk again, is even hard for me to appreciate. These guys have really, really been doing some super work."

In Memory of an Important But Often Forgotten Day

Never forget...

"December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan... Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory... With confidence in our armed forces—with the unbounded determination of our people—we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God." —Franklin D. Roosevelt (quote copied from the PatriotPost, 07-49 Digest)

Saying "Happy Pearl Harbor Day" doesn't sound right, so let me just add, long may the faith, courage, resiliency, and military strength that brought us through that time continue and flourish in America, and may our country ever seek to weather the trials that face us with the conviction and spirit with which we faced the tragedy of December 7, 1941. My thanks go to those who rose up to defend us then, and to those who continue in our defence in that same courageous legacy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Respecting Our Flag

Basic patriotism in the form of respecting our flag is something all to easy to forget.

A few days ago, I was shopping at a major retailer, and I happened to be near a service desk when an obviously upset employee came hurrying up. "Where are they?" I heard her ask the other lady manning the desk. Soon she was digging through the wastebasket beneath the desk and pulling out several small American flags---the small 4x6 variety on a stick that you see kids waving at parades. Apparently someone in management had ordered that these flags---excess stock or something---be thrown away. And that made this employee mad. "If you need to get rid of an American flag, you burn it," she said. "I don't care what they say, you don't throw an American flag away---management be damned." To be honest, I was a little surprised. How many Americans would have second thoughts about throwing away an American flag? In this era of wacky radicals and rioting foreign protesters burning American flags as a symbol of hate and disrespect, it's far too easy to forget that the respectful way to dispose of an American flag is to burn it with honor. In fact, I think that a lot of people forget the importance of the flag as a symbol of our country and of freedom. There is a reason why so many deliberately dishonor the American flag, and that's because of what it represents. Remembering to respect our flag, whether it's in how we display it, what we do with our hats when we see it, or how we dispose of it, is actually remembering to respect all that is great and good and free about our country, and remembering the sacrifices that Americans have made for over two centuries to keep it that way. So thank you to the patriotic lady who whose respect for our flag (and anger at its dishonor) reminded me of something very important that is often overlooked in our society. Long may the star-spangled banner wave "o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Defining a War

Today I read a thought-provoking article in WORLD magazine (07/21/2007 issue) by founder Joel Belz entitled "Careless ambiguity" about how an "ongoing lack of clarity on Iraq is hurting the president and the country." Belz's main point is that due to a lapse in clear explanation from the President, and the negative misrepresentations of the drive-by media and liberal politicians, many Americans are confused about whether the purpose of the war is "mostly about defending America from further terrorism---or is... about helping the people of Iraq restore their country and building a democracy there." Belz correctly points out that there is great importance in the way that this question of purpose is answered. The people of America, by a large majority, support the defense of American soil and freedom. And, if a strong enough case is made that the war in Iraq was an invasion to remove a dangerous national security threat and is a continuing battle to defeat al Qaida and other terrorists who will otherwise harm American interests and American lives around the world, then Americans will rally strongly to the war effort. However, if it is presented as an attempt at democracy-building in a country that obviously faces major impediments to democratic rule and peace, then Americans will have an increasingly hard time supporting the continued shedding of American blood and spending of American money necessary to accomplishing this goal. For the majority, this comes down to basic human self-interest---we are willing to make sacrifices for our own security, but will eventually reach a limit if those sacrifices are depicted as benefiting another country. Others, like myself, face uncertainty because of our understanding of the American military as a weapon to protect American national security and to fulfill agreements with allies, and not, by and large, as an international police force.

I don't believe, however, that these positions need necessarily be at variance. Here's why--- today President Bush came out very strongly in an excellent speech at Charleston Air Force Base and identified al Qaida the number one enemy in Iraq and of both the Iraqi and American people. (Muchas gracias, by the way, to Rush for airing clips of this speech as I wrote this post.) The President clearly refuted the faulty logic of the ridiculous idea that Iraq is the reason for terrorism, pointing out the numerous incidents of anti-American terrorism that occurred long before the decision to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein. He stated strongly that our troops are having success in fighting al Qaida and that we must give them time to defeat these and other terrorists, because it would be "dangerous for America and the world" to withdraw prematurely from this battle. He stated very clearly why Iraq is necessary to American security---

"Al Qaida is in Iraq -- and they're there for a reason. And surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaida would be a disaster for our country. We know their intentions. Hear the words of al Qaida's top commander in Iraq when he issued an audio statement in which he said he will not rest until he has attacked our nation's capital. If we were to cede Iraq to men like this, we would leave them free to operate from a safe haven which they could use to launch new attacks on our country. And al Qaida would gain prestige amongst the extremists across the Muslim world as the terrorist network that faced down America and forced us into retreat.
If we were to allow this to happen, sectarian violence in Iraq could increase dramatically, raising the prospect of mass casualties. Fighting could engulf the entire region in chaos, and we would soon face a Middle East dominated by Islamic extremists who would pursue nuclear weapons, and use their control of oil for economic blackmail or to fund new attacks on our nation.
We've already seen how al Qaida used a failed state thousands of miles from our shores to bring death and destruction to the streets of our cities -- and we must not allow them to do so again. So, however difficult the fight is in Iraq, we must win it. And we can win it."

I whole-heartedly agree, and was gratified to hear this line of reasoning coming from the President. This is the way of looking at the war that encourages me and many other Americans to continue to support it. Al Qaida and terrorism must be defeated wherever in the world it rears its evil head, and Iraq is currently the primary battle-ground against this enemy. The war must continue there in the interests of American security. The other view of this war regarding Iraqi security and sovereignty, although it should not be the primary focus, follows naturally from promoting American interests. If terrorism is defeated, Iraqi peace and freedom will be much easier to achieve. As President Bush said, al Qaida and Islamic terrorism are public enemies numbers one and one for both of our nations, and protecting American interests in this area will have the effect of also promoting Iraqi peace and security.

In conclusion, I think that public support for the war, which is rising according to a New York Times poll released today, depends in part on the goals that are promoted by the White House. President Bush has a responsibility to continue to promote the viewpoint that he laid out today, and if he does, this leadership, along with the continuing successes occurring in Iraq, will rally the American public to the cause. If not, the issues at stake will remain blurred, and this, along with the defeatism of the liberal establishment, will lead to increasing frustration with the war and decreasing support among the public.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Can Do--- A Good Perspective from Newt Gingrich

I just finished reading a great article entitled "Can Do" by Newt Gingrich at National Review Online. Speaker Gingrich gives a forceful reminder of what has made America great--- free-enterprise, capitalism, and American ingenuity; and also warns against the governmental incompetency that drags us down. He writes very accurately that

"More small businesses and scientific breakthroughs are produced in America than anywhere else in the world. However, there is a growing gap between the world that works - the innovation and efficiency that (with some notable exceptions) we see in the private sector - and the world that fails — the exponentially expanding parade of waste and incompetence with which we suffer from our government bureaucracies."

Unfortunately, many Americans, while they have a general dislike of "big government" and may even realize why they dislike it and decry its inefficiency, do not have the will to give up the government handouts and benefits that they enjoy for themselves. Humans are by nature greedy, and will seek to fulfill their needs through the easiest route possible. Many see the legalized redistribution of wealth from the rest of society through government as that easiest route---but fail to realize that the basic inefficiency of government and the dependency that its programs create are ultimately of great harm to the prosperity of a nation and its individual citizens. I am generally wary of "gloom-and-doom" reporting and editorializing, but I whole-heartedly agree with Gingrich when he says that "It is clear that the machinery of government is broken. It’s been so corroded by red tape and the bureaucratic self-preservation of members of permanent government that we are reaching a crisis of competency in our government’s capacity to execute its core functions."

For America to remain a leader in the world, both economically and politically, it must return to those principles that have made it great and set it apart in Western civilization. As Newt says, "We must bring the principles that have built America and made it great — hard work, entrepreneurialism, innovation, and optimism — to our greatest national challenges." And this change will only happen when the individual voters of the country return to these great principles themselves and speak their convictions through the ballot box. The bureaucracy that forms a large (and often illegitimate) part of government "of, by, and for the people" will and cannot fix itself--- it requires the intervention of those who compose it if change is to occur.

Monday, July 16, 2007

More weakness from the US Senate

Hello again everyone. My sincere apologies for the LONG delay between posts--- other priorities have kept me from writing. It's great to be back at the keyboard again.

Once again, debate has erupted in the U.S. Senate over a proposal to force the President to begin the withdrawal of troops from Iraq by the end of this year. What this really means is that so-called "moderates" and liberals in the Senate continue to advocate surrendering Iraq to al-Qaida and Iran, to returning the Iraqi people to a reign of terror and oppression, to portraying America to the world as a gutless nation that can't stomach war or keep its promises, and to rendering the sacrifices in "blood, sweat, and tears" of the American military effectively useless. A lot of liberals accuse President Bush of playing politics with the global war on terror, of lying about intelligence, and of trading "blood for oil." It is liberal anti-war politicians, however, who are really playing politics with this war, with our national security, and even worse, with the lives of our men and women in uniform. The majority of these politicians have never had a principled position on this war, as is evidenced by the fact that many originally voted for the war, and then changed their positions as it became politically expedient.

I guess what really angered me today was a statement from Senator Dick Durbin where he asked rhetorically, "How many sleepless nights have our soldiers and their families had? [wondering whether they would make it home alive]", and then had the cheek to suggest that U.S. Senators could spend at least one similar sleepless night considering the latest withdrawal resolution. What an insult to the American soldier! First of all, I do not deny that American soldiers and their families have spent sleepless nights in connection with this war. I have nothing but respect for these heroes and I honor their sacrifices. For a U.S. Senator, however, to suggest that our armed forces are a lot of poor soldiers quaking in their foxholes, waiting hopefully for the end of the war, is disgraceful. I know I shouldn't be surprised---after all, our troops have been referred to as Nazis, have been labeled as the losers in this war (Sen. Harry Reid), and have been falsely accused of terrorizing and abusing innocent civilians (in the dead of night, no less!) on a regular basis (Sen. John Kerry). Second of all, it is pure ignorance to even compare an all-nighter in the posh confines of the Senate to a sleepless night in a war zone. The Senator's self-proclaimed sacrifice is nothing compared to what our soldiers go through.

Many politicians refer to our troops as heroes because of the dangers and hardships that they are "forced" to face by an incompetent administration. I and the majority of Americans salute the members of America's armed forces as heroes because they volunteer to face these dangers, because they volunteer to defend their country no matter the cost, and because the majority of them are fighting hard and fighting to win because they want victory! The American military does not want to retreat in defeat, and they will win this war if they are not hamstrung by weak-kneed, weak-stomached politicians back home.

Support our military---Support the War on Terror!

Over and out for now.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Media Fear of Fred Thompson

This is a good article by Melanie Morgan on WorldNetDaily about some of the reasons for Fred Thompson's continuing success.

"Can you see it? Can you feel it? The excitement over Fred Thompson's potential candidacy for president is capturing the imagination of conservatives across the nation. The "Run Fred Run" phenomenon is important to talk about not because of Thompson himself, but more because of what it says concerning the mood of this nation and the public's frustration with a lack of leadership in both the conservative movement and the Republican Party. The allure of a Thompson for President campaign is even evident among some Reagan Democrats who are weighing in on the blogs – and feeling the heat from their liberal colleagues for even considering the notion of crossing party lines. Unlike the current crop of declared Republican and Democrat candidates, who have spent years plotting and scheming about how they could win their way to the White House, Fred Thompson is truly being drafted to run by people who are sick of abandoned principles and lack of a moral center. When moments like this occur, occupants of the political and media establishment seem to shudder with convulsions. It ain't pretty, but it isn't surprising."

The rest of this article can be read here.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy 232nd Birthday to the Army!

Congratulations to the United States Army on 232 years of defending freedom at home and abroad! The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, The Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the continuing global War on Terror provide example after example of the courage and fortitude of the U.S. Army in protecting our nation from any and all who threaten our liberty. Every American owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who put their lives on the line to defend America. To every American Army veteran-- you have my sincere thanks and deep respect. Thank you for making the Army the strongest, most elite military force in the world today. Thank you for your willingness to defend America and freedom with your lives. To the families and friends of those who have died in the line of duty--- I have great respect for your loved one's willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

I ask that every reader take a moment to remember that "freedom is not free" and to say a prayer for those men and women who are paying the price for all of us. May God bless and protect the Soldiers of the U.S. Army. (And every branch of the Armed Forces, all of whom also play a courageous and important role in the defence of freedom.)

Here is the link to the Army's official 232nd birthday website.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Leaders in the War on Terror

I was recently impressed by this quote from Tony Blair about the fight against Islamic extremism---

"It is said that by removing Saddam or the Taliban---regimes that were authoritarian but also kept a form of order---the plight of Iraqis and Afghans has worsened and terrorism has been allowed to grow. This is a seductive but dangerous argument. Work out what it really means. It means that because these reactionary and evil forces will fight hard, through terrorism, to prevent those countries and their people getting on their feet after the dictatorships are removed, we should leave the people under the dictatorship. It means our will to fight for what we believe in is measured by our enemy s will to fight us, but in inverse proportion. That is not a basis on which you ever win anything... The truth is that the conflict in Iraq has mutated into something directly fuelled by the same elements that confront us everywhere. Yet a large, probably the larger, part of Western opinion would prefer us to withdraw. That is the extraordinary dulling of our senses that the terrorism has achieved... There is no alternative to fighting this menace wherever it rears its head. There are no demands that are remotely negotiable. It has to be beaten. Period." (Thanks to the Patriot Post's 07-24 Brief)

I have always had a lot of respect for Prime Minister Blair and his stance on the War on Terror, and this shows once again how well he understands the real threat that we face. America has been very blessed to have such an ally in this war. In a time when many would rather appease terrorists, Blair, like Sir Winston Churchill before him, recognizes that the only way to defeat evil and preserve freedom is to fight. Blair has faced this task with great courage-- especially considering the stiff opposition that he has faced at home. While I may disagree with many of his social positions, I think that Tony Blair deserves a place among the great prime ministers of of Britain. I can only pray that his successor will be as staunch as he was.

This brings me back to America and the decision that we face in 2008: who will replace George Bush as commander-in-chief? Who will we entrust with leadership in regards to national security? One thing is certain-- it must be someone who has both the will and the courage to continue the battle against Islamic extremism, whether fighting it in Iraq or here in American (through border security). As I look at the field of Republican primary contenders, I see only one man whom I would want to trust to fulfill this role. Everything that I have so far read and heard about Senator Fred Thompson leads me to see him as a man who has what it takes to lead in the national defence of America. He knows the importance of, and will continue, the fight against terrorism in Iraq. He understands the great dangers posed by Iran, and is willing, as he said on FOX's Hannity & Colmes recently, to use a preemptive strike to prevent them from becoming a danger to America. He understands the dangers to freedom caused by dictatorships like those in Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Last, but certainly not least, he understands the vital importance of border security to national security.

As the race for the nominations heats up, I hope that all Republican voters will think seriously about who they want to lead in protecting America, and I urge them to support Fred Thompson for the nomination-- he is the leader that America and American security needs. Please go to Fred's official site to sign up and donate to the campaign and to The Fred Thompson Report to research his opions.

Congratulation To Fred Thompson

Congratulations to Fred Thompson and all his campaign staff for a great showing in this week's Rasmussen poll! The poll shows Fred in a first-place tie with Rudy Giuliani at 24%, and indicates that he is viewed favorably by 59% of likely Republican primary voters. Fred has gained six points on Rudy since last week. Showings like this, before he has even officially announced, should dispel the doubts of any uncertain Republicans about whether or not Thompson is a "winnable" candidate. Even if all Senator Thompson does is maintain his current momentum until he announces, his official announcement in early July will certainly push him over the top. If this latest Rasmussen poll is any indication, however, I think we may see him at number one even before then. If you haven't yet, please go to Fred's official website to sign up as a Friend of Fred, and please consider donating to his campaign-- fundraising will be a big part of maintaining this momentum. Those of us who want a true conservative and a real leader in the White House must not let fundraising become Senator Thompson's Achilles' heel.

Also, my sincere thanks to the editor of Maine for Fred Thompson for posting some of my commentary on Fred Thompson on his site. The cooperation and hard work of a considerable part of the conservative blogosphere has played a big role in promoting Senator Thompson's campaign, and it is an honor and privilege to me to be able to participate.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Courage in a New War

As the war to preserve freedom and defeat terrorism continues to rage around the globe, I want to dedicate this post to honoring and remembering the courage and sacrifice of the American Soldier. This week we commemorated the 63rd anniversary of the D-day landings in Normandy during World War II. Today we are once again a war-weary nation engaged in a life-or-death struggle with an evil enemy, and today the American military still fights on with the same patriotism and even greater bravery than it did more that six decades ago. I say "even greater bravery" for several reasons, but before I enumerate them, let me just say that I fully recognize and honor the heroism of those who fought to preserve the world from tyranny during World War II. My grandfather was a veteran of the Pacific theater, and I have great respect for the sacrifices that he and thousands of others made so that we can live free.

The war that we are fighting today is not the same kind of war, however. Success is not measured in miles of territory gained or in enemy tanks and planes destroyed. The enemy is not a clearly defined force with recognizable uniforms or emblems. The struggle does not have a clear-cut goal at its end. And worst and most shamefully of all, the mission and the men are not fully supported at home. In this war, success is measured as terrorists are eliminated one man or one cell at a time, even as new ones seem to spring up to replace them. In this war, the enemy could be an innocent-looking woman in a market, a "delivery driver" at a checkpoint, or an unseen IED-- all the work of suicidal maniacs who spurn all rules of warfare and who are intent on destroying freedom and the West. In this war, there is no Berlin or Tokyo to capture-- it will instead be a long fight against evil fanatics who will die as "martyrs" rather than surrender. In this war, the mission, and therefore those who perform it, are subjected to pessimistic sentiments, defeatist reporting, and, at the worst, vitriolic attacks from the majority of the drive-by media and a large number of elected leaders and other public figures. I think that this war is one which calls forth even greater endurance and courage from the men and women who serve our country in uniform. May we never forget, and may we always honor this sacrifice.

Please take the time to say a prayer for the success and safety of our soldiers, airmen, and sailors; and please let them know of your support and gratitude.

Fred Thompson and the Republican Primary

As Conservatives sit back and take a deep breath following the battle over the Senate/White House Immigration Reform Act, I'd like to ask you, if you aren't already, to spend a few minutes contemplating the primaries and Presidential election coming up next year. After all, this latest misguided attempt at immigration reform can be laid in part at the feet of the man who currently occupies the Oval Office. The man (or woman) who we put in that office next November will have a large part in determining the course that our nation takes in dealing with criminal immigration. Not to mention the myriad other important issues that face our country: the global War on Terror, Iraq, taxes and the economy, international diplomacy (Russia, China) and possible warfare (Iran, N. Korea), Supreme Court appointments, moral issues like abortion and gay "rights"-- the list could go on and on. Do you want a socialist like Hillary dealing with these issues? A lukewarm Republican like McCain? Or do you want a real Conservative? Now, I realize that it is very early in the race, but both parties have already have had three of ten scheduled primary debates, and it is time that voters start taking a serious look at the current field of candidates if they have not already.

I understand that many voters would rather take a wait-and-see approach to the primaries, trying to see which candidates can maintain their poll numbers and fundraising, but I would ask that you not do this. First, who says that the "crowd" six months down the road will be going in the right direction? I would much rather play a role in directing, by early and active involvement, the rest of the "crowd." Second, I want Republican voters to strongly consider throwing their support behind a certain candidate for the nomination. I believe that Senator Fred Thompson is the candidate who will be the best leader for our nation while we face the great issues of our time. Senator Thompson will be announcing his candidacy in early July, and is currently in the exploratory committee stage. Now, you may think, "What! You want me to support someone who hasn't even announced yet?" That's right! First of all, I'm not asking you to support some third-tier, maybe-he'll-announce-in-a-few-months candidate. Fred Thompson is almost guaranteed to announce on or around July 4th, and despite the fact that he is not an official candidate, he is running in third place or better in many poles! Second, Fred is a candidate who merits the support of the conservative base. He is a strong, consistent conservative who believes in the values foundational to America. I want you, the Republican who truly cares about the future of America, to support Fred Thompson for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

Don't take my word for it! I am not able to fully document Fred Thompson in this blog, but I will give a list of websites and blogs to allow you research him and his views. The most important of these is

the exploratory committee website. PLEASE go here to sign up as a friend of Fred, donate, and tell others about his candidacy.

These sites are contain large amounts of information about about Senator Thompson:

Maine for Fred Thompson -- informative, regularly updated Maine site. Includes voting record as well as an extensive blogroll.

Fred Thompson News -- Up-to-date news and articles on Fred's campaign.

The Fred Thompson Report -- Has archives of the transcripts of Fred's ABC radio commentaries.

I will also be regularly posting either my own thoughts or links to other articles that deal with Senator Thompson and his campaign.

Illegal Immigration Victory

Congratulations to the thousands of American voters who played a big role on Capitol Hill this past week! America stood up and said NO! to a disconnected Congress and delivered a wake-up call that let our government know that we will not sanction amnesty for criminals! We must remember, however, that while we have won one battle, it is only one battle-- there are others to come, whether it is a resurrection of this bill or some other wimpy reincarnation of it. Americans must remain engaged in this battle-- first, by thanking our leaders for discarding this bill (regardless of how they voted), and second, by formulating and presenting informed ideas for what we would like to see done instead. It is up to us to continue to push for an enforcement-first, pro-American sovereignty approach on Capitol Hill. (My ideas can be found in the previous post, "Illegal Immigration Compromise II.")

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Illegal Immigration Compromise II

Good evening everyone. The more I hear of the Senate-White House immigration deal, the more I am appalled by its lack of respect for America and American law and sovereignty. Rush Limbaugh was right when he said yesterday that "this is an attempt [by liberals] to remake America socially and culturally," and although the bill has begun to run into political opposition and will not receive a final vote until later than originally thought, it will take a concerted effort on the part of voters like you voicing your opinions to your representatives to stop it completely. As a slight side note, any conservative should be very suspicious of a bill that is a brokered deal with Senate Democrats. I, at least, smell a rat ANYTIME that Ted Kennedy is one of the chief architects of and spokesmen for a piece of legislation. Also, here is a great quote from Margaret Thatcher about the kind of "leadership" that the Senate (and House) have been offering lately on this and other issues: "Consensus is the absence of leadership." How true! (Thanks to Rush for reading this on his show)

Now, I know that Rush's quote may seem a little strong to some of you, so let me explain (in my words and opinion). First of all, the social question. This bill, if passed as-is, is basically a massive amnesty that will vastly increase the size and cost of America's social welfare programs (not to mention increasing the immigration bureaucracy. There are already hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of illegal aliens who leech off of these programs without paying one red cent into them. This bill will not only legalize many of these criminals, it will also make millions more legitimately eligible to receive benefits. The majority of these new dependents will (if they work at all) be minimum wage earners who contribute far less to these programs than they take out. This is a liberal/socialist's dream for two reasons. 1) It creates a vast new class of dependents who will vote for whomever will promise to continue and enlarge these programs (i.e. Democrats). 2) It provides a new field for furthering governmental power and the Marxist ideal of the redistribution of income (from the rich to the "poor"). Believe me, the legitimate American citizen-taxpayer is the one who will foot the bill for this so-called immigration reform, and the more you make, the greater the percentage of the bill you will foot. The bill will change America culturally by legalizing and greatly increasing a population of essentially foreign persons who will NOT be required to learn English, who will NOT be required to become culturally and historically oriented Americans, and who WILL be allowed to remain an internal foreign element whose only interest in our country will be the "good life" that it provides.

While we maintain a vigorous opposition to this bill, true conservatives must also be able to offer a sensible solution to the problem of criminal immigration. First of all, our approach must be enforcement-first. The first step is to secure our borders. I know that this is a tired statement, but it is nevertheless a true one. I believe that our southern border must be fortified with a fence and/or wall that makes physical entry far more difficult than it is currently. The security of both the northern and the southern borders must also be addressed by a massive Border Patrol power increase-- in manpower, in technology, and in the authority to use force to stop illegal entrants. There should also be legislation that frees Border Patrol agents from the fear of prosecution for doing their jobs. Second, the Dept. of Homeland Security and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, in cooperation with local law enforcement and the National Guard if necessary, should begin a massive crackdown on the illegal aliens who are already in America. These criminals must arrested and deported to the countries from which they came, and as much of their assets as are necessary should be seized to pay any criminal fines and the expenses of deporting them. And by the way-- the previous actions must be taken regardless of what the illegals' nations of origin (including Mexico), the U.N., and the "world community" say in protest-- let them whine. Many of the illegals' home countries actually encourage and aid their citizens in breaking our country's laws, and yet apply an atrocious double-standard to their own borders. We must maintain our national sovereignty-- even if it means militarizing our southern border. AFTER these enforcement and security actions, we need to reform our immigration and naturalization procedures so that first of all, acquiring American citizenship means that immigrants become American patriots who respects our laws, our history, and our government; and who acclimate themselves to our culture and national values. And secondly, we need to remove the massive amounts of red tape and ridiculous delays that characterize our current system. The process for legitimate entry should contain adequate security measures and yet be a clear and efficient set of procedures.

The solution to the immigration fiasco that our government has let our country fall into will not be easy, but a just and effective solution must be found and implemented. The current Senate bill will not solve our problem, and will, in fact, greatly worsen it. It is up to the true citizens of this country to protest this outrage of a bill into oblivion and to move our government toward a real solution. As a final bit of motivation to those of you who agree with this post, here is a quote from Senator John Kyle (a supporter of the current bill) about HIS view of the issue: "I don't think that any reasonable person has suggested that we could...deport [the illegal aliens already here]." Another example of elected arrogance-- too many elected officials don't really care what their constituents think, and even if they listen, they write it off as "unreasonableness" if they don't agree with it. It is up to us to let Sen. Kyle and others like him know that there are a lot of people who DO NOT hold with their so-called "reasonable" views. Take action for America!

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Illegal Immigration Compromise

Good evening friends, and welcome back. One of the most pressing issues in politics today is the issue of illegal immigration, and it has been brought to the forefront again by the latest deal that has been brokered in the Senate. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that a deal is being pushed through-- the President, the Democrats, and at least several of the liberal Republicans want it to happen-- but the shear folly of their plan is astounding. I can't imagine what possesses these people to believe that the illegal aliens will, of their own motivation, identify themselves, come forward and pay a hefty ($5000) fine and then go back to their home countries and wait in line to enter the country legally. What!?! They are already here illegally and nothing is being done about it! In fact, there are a lot of people who are bending over backward to aid and abet the illegals' crimes. What would motivate an illegal to come forward? They already enjoy free health care, tax- and fee-free living, the benefits of our many welfare programs, and the "benefit" of being able to break the law with near complete impunity. Why give it all up in order to have the privilege of paying all the taxes and obeying all the laws that the rest of us do? I don't think that it's because their crime of illegal entry is weighing on their consciences! I am sick and tired of hearing feel-good sob stories about "poor, hardworking guest workers" and how we need to help them. The people sneaking over our southern border are criminals, plain and simple, and there is one solution to this crime-- ARREST and DEPORT. Like a vast majority of Americans, I welcome all people who wish to come to this country legally and become integrated parts of American society, and I am proud of my of my own immigrant ancestry and the role that millions of legal immigrants have played in our history. However, to those who are not willing to abide by our country's laws from the moment they set foot on our soil, I have but two words-- "KEEP OUT!"

I hope to do more research on this bill, and I will update you when I find out more. Meanwhile, all that I have heard tells me that this is a very bad deal for America, and I urge all of you to contact the President and your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that you oppose this legislation and any other methods that are not enforcement-first-- REAL enforcement-first!

More later, adios!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Inaugural Post

Good morning friends, and welcome to the latest and greatest in weblogs! As the title for my blog implies, this blog will chronicle my opinions of life and all that is great and good in America. My goal is not for this blog to be some sort of online diary, but rather a forum for serious ideas and discussion. The main reason that I first thought of writing a blog was to use it as a round-table for discussing and analyzing the latest in politics and political policy, but it also crossed my mind that there are a vast number of political blogs out there already. Thus, while I still intend to make a worthwhile contribution to the modern political debate, I also intend to chronicle a much broader range of my interests as well, including sports (Red Sox baseball and Patriots football mostly), religion, history, and literature. Regardless of what is being discussed, I want this to be a forum for serious debate and opinion, (And there will be room for appropriate levity, too!) I welcome all opinions, and ask only that my readers keep their comments intelligent, polite, and clean. Welcome Aboard!

As a side-note, to those of you who are wondering about the origin of the address and blog title, they are a reflection of my great love for the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, my favorite author. Calenardhon was the name of the area in Middle Earth that later became the realm of Rohan and means "The Green Province." I thought that it represented America as well as any other name from Tolkien's work, and I like the sound of it, besides. Tar- is a prefix that means "high" and thus you have "high green province," which translates very well into my blog title of "High America."